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During the first quarter of this year, and from the university educational context, 21 people (students and teacher) have developed a research, education and contemporary artistic creation project with textile materials, as materials typical of contemporary art, to promote environmental awareness through various themes that revolve around the importance of nature, environmental problems and the sustainability of the rural context of our immediate surroundings or of origin. A series of issues totally related to some of the Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs that the 2030 Agenda sets before us.
For the development of this project, we have worked both in groups and individually, in the classroom, as well as carrying out field trips and drifts in the deepened contexts. In this way, from an active, horizontal, conversational participation and transmission of traditional knowledge, we have created more than 110 works in which we have used mixed media, combining artistic techniques such as drawing, image transfer, linoleum printing or painting. collage with textile techniques made by hand and/or by sewing machine such as embroidery, cross stitch, French stitch, backstitching or vegetable fiber weaving, for example, and the use of recycled and collected materials such as buttons, scraps fabrics, wires, greenhouse plastic, esparto grass, fishing net threads or fragments of plants, also highlighting the symbology of the colors used. In this way, we can affirm that our project is a useful educational tool and the works generated are a means of knowledge, communication, reflection and individual and collective visibility, on the one hand, of the current environmental problems generated by the intensive cultivation that occurs in the popularly known “Mar de Plástico” (the greenhouses) in Almería, a province in the southeast of Andalusia (Spain). On the other hand, the contamination and the human impact that is destroying the terrestrial ecosystem and the underwater life of the Almería coast. And finally, the importance of the emotional return to our rural roots, valuing the local landscape, traditions and the natural and sustainable life of yesteryear. Among the main conclusions obtained and shared, we can highlight the educational, reflective, artistic and experimental capacity of the eco-artivism and textile art project developed; the knowledge and exchange of both national and international artistic references related to contemporary textile art and traditional textile techniques; the strong link between the project and art therapy since, during this period of work, a collective creative, communicative, calm, relief and concentration space has been created that has promoted the emotional well-being and personal development of the participants ; and, finally, the use of collected and recycled materials related to the problems investigated and made visible favours the social awareness and environmental responsibility of the participants, mostly teachers in training, to claim and promote a sustainable social and environmental transformation in their future classrooms and students through art. |
Durante el primer trimestre del presente año, y desde el contexto educativo universitario, 21 personas (alumnado y profesora) hemos desarrollado un proyecto de investigación, educación y creación artística contemporánea con materiales textiles, como materiales propios del arte contemporáneo, para fomentar la conciencia ecologista a través de diversos temas que giran en torno a la importancia de la naturaleza, las problemáticas ambientales y la sostenibilidad del contexto rural de nuestro entorno cercano o de origen. Una serie de cuestiones totalmente relacionadas con algunos de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible – ODS que nos plantea la Agenda 2030. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto, hemos trabajado tanto en grupo como individualmente, en el aula, así como llevando a cabo salidas de campo y derivas en los contextos profundizados. De este modo, desde una participación activa, horizontal, conversacional y de transmisión de saberes tradicionales, hemos creado más de 110 obras en las que hemos empleado técnica mixta combinando técnicas artísticas como el dibujo, la transferencia de imágenes, la estampación en linóleo o el collage con técnicas textiles realizadas a mano y/o a máquina de coser como el bordado, el punto de cruz, el punto francés, el pespunte o el tejido de fibras vegetales, por ejemplo, y el empleo de materiales reciclados y recolectados como botones, retales de tejidos, alambres, plástico de invernaderos, esparto, hilos de redes de pescar o fragmentos de plantas, destacando también la simbología de los colores utilizados. De este modo, podemos afirmar que nuestro proyecto es una herramienta educativa útil y las obras generadas son un medio de conocimiento, comunicación, reflexión y visibilización individual y colectivo, por una parte, de las problemáticas ambientales actuales que genera el cultivo intensivo que se produce en el popularmente conocido “Mar de Plástico” (los invernaderos) en Almería, una provincia al sureste de Andalucía (España). Por otra parte, la contaminación y el impacto humano que está destruyendo el ecosistema terrestre y la vida submarina del litoral almeriense. Y, por último, la importancia del regreso emocional a nuestras raíces rurales, poniendo en valor el paisaje local, las tradiciones y la vida natural y sostenible de antaño. Entre las principales conclusiones obtenidas y compartidas, podemos destacar la capacidad educativa, reflexiva, artística y experimental del proyecto de ecoartivismo y arte textil desarrollado; el conocimiento e intercambio tanto de referentes artísticos nacionales e internacionales relacionados con el arte contemporáneo textil como de técnicas textiles tradicionales; la fuerte vinculación del proyecto con la arteterapia ya que, durante este periodo de trabajo, se ha creado un espacio colectivo creativo, comunicativo, de tranquilidad, de desahogo y de concentración que ha promovido el bienestar emocional y el desarrollo personal de los/as participantes; y, por último, el empleo de materiales recolectados y reciclados relacionados con las problemáticas investigadas y visibilizadas favorece la conciencia social y la responsabilidad ambiental de los/las participantes, en su mayoría profesores en formación, para reclamar y propiciar una transformación social y ambiental sostenible en sus futuras aulas y alumnado a través del arte. |
About the Coordinator: María Dolores GallegoBio María Dolores Gallego (1988 - Torreperogil, Jaen, Spain) Visual artist, researcher and university lecturer in the Department of Painting at the University of Granada - UGR (Spain). International PhD in History and Arts, Master's Degree in Production and Research of Art, Master's Degree in Drawing: Illustration, Comic and Audiovisual Creation, and Degree in Fine Arts by the UGR. In addition, Gallego has carried out several stays in leading centers of research, contemporary art and artistic education in Athens (Greece / 2009-10), Rome (Italy / 2014), Milan (Italy / 2015) and São Paulo (Brazil / 2016). At present, she is a member of the Research Group HUM-611 "New Materials for Contemporary Art" (since 2017) of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Granada; and she is researcher of the R+D+i Projects: "Craftswomen and women designers in Andalusia: from the Bauhaus to the 21st century" of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Seville (PAIDI, 2021-23) and “RRREMAKER. Reuse Reduce Recycle AI-based platform for automated and scalable Maker culture in Circular economy” (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 Ref. #101008060, 2020 – 2024). Furthermore, she is part of the team of the Chair of Innovation in Craft, Design and Contemporary Art of the University of Granada (since its creation in 2021); she is the Secretary of the Union of Contemporary Artists of Spain - UNIÓN_AC (since 2022) and Board member of the Union of Visual Artists of Andalusia - uavA (since 2019). Since 2008, her art works have been exhibited in galleries, museums, biennials and art fairs in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Jordan, Canada and the United States. As contemporary artist, she was selected, by international call, for the artist residence and international exhibition "Art for women. Le donne nutrono il pianeta - 8º Mostra de MOSTRAMI 2014" in Milan (Italy) and has been invited to participate in the I Art Symposium 2016 that took place at the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Jordan in Amman (Jordan). Moreover, she has received several national and international awards, distinctions and her artworks are part of the Contemporary Art Collections of the University of Granada, the University of Jordan, the Sierra Elvira Foundation, the Granada City Council and the University of Jaen, as well as private collections in Spain, Italy, Oman and Greece. |